Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sixth Graders Are Strange!

One year of teaching sixth grade has taught me so much!  Sixth graders are just strange.  On Friday, a student crawled under his desk after going up to the SMARTboard for his turn during our Spelling Bee game challenge, and cried.  This was during a friendly, supportive activity, where students were partnered and could call on help.  Today, another student stumble-walked across the classroom wearing one chunky, Jordan-type sneaker and one Converse shoe with a very flat sole.  My co-teacher told her to walk properly and she hobbled.

I don't mind silliness at all, but lately I find myself wondering: how will my sixth graders fare in seventh grade?  Are they ready?  Will the tantrums, expectations of hand-holding, extra tears cease magically in September?  I hope so.  Prior to teaching sixth grade for the first time, I've never seen so much crying in school over little to nothing.  I also have never seen middle schoolers work so much and learn as much as my sixth graders did under the new Common Core Learning Standards.

More reflections to come as I wrap up this year and begin my seven summer vacation since becoming a teacher.

Miss M

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